Click on the titles below for audio, video and score samples.
You can purchase scores and parts from SOUNZ Centre for New Zealand Music.
Variations — 10'
Ao — 10'
Colour Lines — 7'
Daydream and Dance — for violin and cello, 5'
Behind the Stars, a Dark Sky — for piano quintet, 14'
Der Tanz — for piano trio, 10'
I Danced, Unseen — for string Quartet, 10'
Impressions — for flute, viola and harp, 8'
Solo Duo Trio — for two violins and piano, 8'
Jet-lag — for string quartet, 4'
Nocturne — for four harps, 7'
Chimaera — four duos for Chinese and Western instruments
Contemporary Duets — for two violins, 20'
Reto Doble — for violin and viola, 4'
Dream Bird — for harp, 4'
Processional — for piano or harp, 7'
Rund-funk — for solo trumpet, 2'30''
Glimpses of Other Worlds — four short pieces for young pianists
Morgenstern Lieder — for SSAA choir, 8'
He Wawata kia Māhorahora — for female voice and piano 3'